‘Don’t hesitate to buy’ said Ioli Mytilineou
Levis de Muze rocked the European Championships at Riesenbeck in 2021. At CHIO Rotterdam Grand Prix Sales talked with his rider Ioli Mytilineou. Today we will sell the 3⁄4 sister of Levis de Muze in our online auction!
What comes up to your mind when you think about Levis de Muze?
He is the best horse of the world in every single way. He is gentle, easy to handle, lovely at home and lovely to ride. It’s all positive actually. He specially loves the audience when he enters the ring . When he sees the crowd watching him, he knows what to do. He really started my career. He is the best.
Where did you find Levis de Muze?
I found Levis in Spain at the Sunshine Tour. Normally when I try horses I like them but with Levis it was special. I loved him directly after the first jumps, he gave me such a good feeling. Now I know the feeling of a great horse it is more difficult to find another great horse because I am always looking for the same feeling Levis gives me.
What is your goal for this year?
My main goal is to go to the World Championships in Herning, Danmark. I am also in the team of the LGCT and I want to perform very well for the team. Next week I go to Monaco. It’s a good experience to do that and I hope to go to the finals with the team. The most important thing for me is that my horses want to jump and that they ‘must’ not jump that they are happy!
You also ride the mother of Levis de Muze: Heroïne de Muze. Do they have the same jumping skills?
They actually look very similar. She is a little bit longer.When I tried her I could definitely feel the same in her jumps. He has more natural scope. The way they study the fences is the same. When you go to the fences you can feel they both think how to do it, where the reels are, their fighter mind. They both want to please, help me and to do it for me. They are so gentle.
Do you have breeding plans voor Heroine when she is retired from the sport?
My plan is to breed with her. I bought her as a broodmare. When it is time to retire her from the sport we will start with the breeding. She is out one of the best damlines of the world so I was lucky to get her. The only sad part is that I can’t breed Levis de Muze with her that will be to close. When I will cover her with Elvis ter Putte the chance to get something good is high. As a rider I know what I need that could maybe be an advantage.
We have a ¾ sister to Levis de Muze what would you say to the buyers?
I would tell everyone do not hesitate to buy it. I don’t think you get to far wrong. As I can’t combine Levis de Muze with Heroine de Muze, this combination is probably the best. If you buy an embryo the only thing you can do is to figure out the bloodlines. This is probably at the moment one of the best bloodlines so I think I would take the chance to buy it!
27 June: Online Auction Jumping foals
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